Everyone with an interest in healthy aging in Ramsey County is encouraged to be part of the Age-friendly Initiative for Ramsey County!
Community members and service providers are coming together to create a more inclusive and livable Ramsey County, particularly for older adults. The Initiative includes a focus on reducing racial and health inequities for Black, Indigenous and people of color.
A Core Team leads the effort and is seeking more members. It is led by community members and service providers. Anyone and everyone with an interest in healthy aging in Ramsey County is urged to join the group!
The goal is to improve systems and services and other elements of Ramsey County that contribute to the health and wellbeing of all residents as they age. We’ll do this by influencing policies, improving services and developing connections.
Core Team
There are several phases in the process. The team has completed phase one, which was to create a report on the current livability of Ramsey County. The report will be used to guide the rest of the effort.
In future phases, the group will:
communicate the needs and wants of older adults in the community
develop a plan to create a more age friendly county
report what they find and makes suggestions to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners
continue to look at the county’s progress.
What is an age friendly community?
Age-friendly communities are livable communities that support older adults of all races, ethnicities, genders, incomes, and relationships to live in healthy ways.
Age-friendly communities:
support all older adults so they can live in their communities as long as possible
have housing and services like transportation that elders can use and afford
help older adults feel safe and welcome so they can live healthy lives
make it possible for elders to be active members of the community.
For more information, contact
Teisha Magee, Co-chair tmagee@keystoneservices.org
Emmy Treichel, Co-chair emmytreichel@gmail.com
Julia Wolfe Julia.wolfe@ramseycounty.us
With wishes for good health and wellbeing,
Julia Wolfe, Planning Specialist II
Healthy Aging Initiative
Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health
90 Plato Blvd West, Suite 200, Saint Paul, MN 55107
Pronouns: She/her
Desk: 651-266-2419 / Cell: 651-443-0984
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health, Healthy Aging Initiative
The mission of the Healthy Aging Initiative of Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health is to partner with residents and organizations to improve the health and wellbeing of older adults in Ramsey County. The Initiative incorporates a focus on health and racial disparities.
Ramsey County’s Customer Contact Center is a one-stop shop that can answer questions about COVID-19 and the county’s services. 651-266-8500 (Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)